Client Journey Mapping
Many existing services were built some time ago and have been slightly improved over time, but have not been re-designed or looked at strategically from the clients perspective. Often you are asking people to duplicate effort and the processes that they follow are not intuitive or easy.
Whilst this may have worked for your organisation in the past, your clients' expectations are changing, and they are looking for a seamless experience with your organisation that makes it easy for them to get the services they need.
Creating a client journey map gives you the opportunity to view your services end to end from your clients perspective, so you can understand the moments that matter, identify what the opportunities for improvement are and then make strategic decisions on where you can improve your services to enhance the client experience.
What is it?
A client journey map is a visual storyline of the different interactions your clients have with your organisation. The creation of a journey map puts you directly in the mind of your clients, so you can see where you may be missing the mark, what you are doing right, and where you can make improvements that make an impact for your clients.
Key insights from your clients
Training for your team on how to create client journey maps
A client journey map document
A list of opportunities by priority
A strategic view of your client experience
Clarity on what really matters for your clients, so you can focus your resources on the areas that will have the most impact
A better understanding of how your services work and the experiences of service users
An awareness of the true moments that matter for your clients and any pain points they experience
Case Study
Helping UN Women Australia to better understand and improve their supporter experience
Working in close consultation with community leaders and governments, UN Women collects and disseminates evidence to shape effective policies and programs. To support them in this important work they encourage donors to partner with them to improve the lives of women and girls in over 100 countries across the world. With a foundation of successful partnerships they understood the benefits and wanted to bring this approach to understand more about the experience of their donors, especially through the lens of how they have been impacted by Covid-19. More...